Need a new email address? ^^ Well, here's the right place to go! I can provide you with a free .zzn (web-based) email address! Aren't you lucky? At the moment, I only have 3 choices from you to choose from, but pretty soon, I'll be putting up links to other .zzn address.
Gee whiz! I love making logos and banners! ^^ At the moment, I only have banners up (all anime! =D), but I know that there will be more coming! And guess what?! Everything here's Absoloutly no charge!(...Well, except a link back to my page if you do take anything, but that's not much to ask for, right? ^^') Dang it, here I am blabbing again.. So just go right in and enjoy yourself. Take anything you want.
Yes, I consider this a service to all you anime freaks. ^^ You know how many hours I used up looking for pictures?! @.@ It's mind-boggling.